Guest Blogger: Katie Linder, Introducing “On the Pulse”

The following was written by Katie Linder, a current M2 on the Diversity and Inclusion Council. She describes the recent addition of the "On the Pulse" feature to the Medical School's internal website:


Hi all! My name is Katie Linder and I’m a second year med student and member of the MCSOM Council for Diversity and Inclusion. I’m writing today about a resource that has been available On the Pulse is an opportunity for students to submit concerns, suggestions, or ideas about the medical school climate, particularly as it relates to issues of diversity and inclusion. This resource is managed by the Office for Diversity and was created in response to the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine climate survey where students desired a way to voice concerns, potentially anonymously, and make Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine aware of issues relating to diversity and inclusion.

If the suggestion or concern can be addressed by the MCSOM Council for Diversity and Inclusion, they will discuss the submission and if a student desires, contact them to communicate what steps are being taken in response to the submission. We welcome all ideas that students have to be submitted to this box as well! We look forward to hearing from you in order to make positive changes in our educational environment.

TL;DR the Office for Diversity has a place where you can anonymously share concerns or suggestions in order to ask for changes to be made. You can find it on the MCASOM homepage under On The Pulse Student Suggestion box.

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