
In a video message to all employees, John Noseworthy, M.D., president and CEO, Mayo Clinic, talks about Mayo’s renewed commitment to diversity and discusses a[...]

By Diane Joyce • February 26, 2010


By Diane Joyce • February 13, 2010

Mayo Graduate School (MGS) is having our first of two interview weekends this Friday to Sunday. If you have never been to an interview weekend,[...]

By • January 28, 2010

[polldaddy poll=2609651] Jess

By • January 28, 2010

  Last month I was surfing on the Mayo Clinic site and a very interesting announcement caught my eye...."Latinos Y Latinas Diversity Interest Group looking[...]

By • January 22, 2010

On behalf of the Mayo Clinic Diversity in Education Bloggers we would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays!  Keep Warm :) , Jess

By • December 17, 2009

The National Science Foundation recently released the new trends in research doctorate recipients for 2008. From what I notice in the trends it looks like[...]

By • December 7, 2009

The theme for Freedom Fund Banquet of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) on October 31st  held in Rochester, MN was[...]

By • November 25, 2009

BMB Ehlers Symposium 2009     Every year the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) Department at Mayo Graduate School holds a student ran symposium. The symposium allows[...]

By • November 4, 2009

[polldaddy poll=2050784] Jessica

By • September 28, 2009