WiSER Presents: Women in Science and Engineering Series- Elke Mühlberger

By: Robin Willenbring

Being human is hard sometimes.

Now, to add to that, many of us reading this particular blog post, are human scientists or in the medical field. There have been too many times to count that each of us has questioned our life’s choice, our sanity and thought about being anything else. What keeps us going? That is the age old question, isn’t it? For each the answer is different. However, there is one defining feature, our passion. Whether it’s a passion for developing technologies, teaching the next generation, caring for the sick, running a company, thinking critically, or viruses; each is a passion. Throughout our careers, we find ways to share this passion, through our publications, scientific talks, poster session, and visiting with others.

In addition to discussing our passions with others, we tend to share the joys and struggles with our jobs. Some of these are unique, some common, regardless we share, and this is a good thing.

Currently, at Mayo Clinic the Women in Science and Engineering Research (WiSER) group along with the Center for Biomedical Discovery (CBD) is inviting successful scientists to share their passion through a scientific lecture and an informal coffee chat. This week WiSER and CBD is hosting Dr. Elke Mühlberger from Boston University. To give some insight into the awesomeness that is Elke, here are some fun facts:

  • She began her science career in Marburg, Germany
  • She left Germany to come to Boston University. Her story will be elaborated upon in further detail at her coffee chat.
  • She works with deadly viruses- that’s right, deadly!
  • This means she runs and works at the new National Emerging Infectious Disease Laboratories (NEIDL) in Boston, which contains a high-containment Biosafety Level 4 (BSL4) laboratory.
  • Overall, she is truly an amazing mentor for all and a phenomenal person in general as told by students in her laboratory.

Have I convinced you yet that she is a must meet?

So- if you want to hear a story about the struggles of being a human scientist, dealing with the obstacles of being a female in science, and all the passion that keeps you moving forward, come meet Dr. Elke Mühlberger on Friday, December 18, 2015 10:00am CST (information below). If that alone does not tempt you, coffee and bagels will also be provided.

Additionally, she is giving a scientific lecture later that afternoon titled “Loud and quiet: How human macrophages respond to ebolavirus infection” (information below)

Even if viruses aren’t your top interest or on your radar at all, come enjoy hearing about a successful scientist’s passion.


December 18, 2015 10:00am- 11:00am CST

Meet the Speaker: Dr. Elke Mühlberger 


MCR: GU 5-98         MCF: Birdsall 111         MCA: Griffin 265

*This event will be video conferenced

Refreshments will be served at all sites


December 18, 2015 1:30pm-2:30pm CST

Dr. Elke Mühlberger

Loud and Quiet: How human macrophages respond to ebolavirus infection



MCR: Mann Hall, Med Sci        MCF: Geffen 265              MCA: MCCRB 3-011

*This event will be video conferenced

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