2013 Mayo Graduate School Interviews

Hello All!

Now that I have finally caught up on some sleep, gotten back in the swing of things in the lab, and addressed the mountain of emails that has been my inbox, I would like to take the time to extend my gratitude to all who helped mak
e the 2013 MGS Interview Weekends possible!

First, to the applicants: We are thrilled that you have selected Mayo Graduate School as one of your top choices for graduate training and wish that you could all be admitted as members of our program. We know you all have many choices but, let’s be honest…at what other institution will the dean of the graduate school serenade you with the bass guitar during dinner? So, whether we see you here in the fall, or whether our paths cross later on at a conference, study section, or academic institution, we wish you all the best of luck!

To the GSA members and all students who participated in the events: I cannot thank you all enough for the hard work you put in to make these weekends possible. I truly would not have survived without you! While the free food was probably the best incentive we could offer, I know your time is valuable, and your efforts did not go unnoticed. You even broke records for the number of poster presentations Saturday morning, despite the 9AM start to the day (an otherwise unprecedented time for a group of grad students). As Dr. Maher likes to say, “Our students are our greatest asset,” and you are all excellent examples of the truth behind his statement.

To the faculty and administration: Whether you interviewed potential students, attended dinner at the Foundation House, talked a little science with students at the poster session, or all of the above, we would like to thank you for your continued commitment to keeping MGS at the forefront of graduate education! A special thanks to Kim and Rose Marie for their herculean efforts behind the scenes. I would venture a guess that Rose Marie has never previously received a call at home after 9PM from a frantic GSA president trying to help applicants arrive safely in Rochester, but she handled it with all of the grace we have come to expect from her. Also, thanks to Dr. Roberto Cattaneo and Dr. Kendall Lee for sharing their work with prospective students during each of the Distinguished Lectures.

Finally, we are all looking forward to welcoming the new students to MGS this fall…we can’t wait to see what exciting scientific contributions you are all capable of!!!

Danielle Renner
Mayo Graduate School Association President

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